Submission Update
- By: Jessica Faust | Date: Jan 07 2011

Closing to queries for the month of December was really wonderful. It gave me time to catch up, clean out my inbox and actually do some reading that had little to nothing to do with work, although not nearly as much reading as I would have liked.
Just to update you on where things stand. Obviously I am completely caught up on all queries through 2010. I actually finished those sometime in early December. If you submitted a query anytime in 2010 and never received an answer either I didn’t receive your query, my response ended up in your spam, or it was wiped out in my week of lost queries in November. Either way, if you submit a query and don’t receive a response please resubmit. I always respond.
I am caught up on all requested submissions through October 2010. I have six requested submissions (two fulls and four partials) from the months of November and December and will be working my way through those. I also have three submissions already requested this week and, now that I’m back up and running, I have roughly 100+ queries in my inbox from this week alone (and I only opened on Wednesday).
It’s exciting to be back up and running and so far 2011 is looking good.
Happy New Year!
Congratulations on catching up on so much! Isn't it a wonderful feeling?
Sounds like you had some fruitful downtime. That always is refreshing. Sending cyber energy for the coming months.
Wow! Thanks for the update and kudos for getting so caught up!
It's always great to get caught up. Sort of like that feeling you get when you walk through your house after spending the day cleaning it. Those few seconds between everything being sparkling clean and the kids coming home from school. It only lasts a little bit before it's chaos again. Blessings, Buffy
Any word on whether Kim Lionetti has likewise caught up on queries? I sent Kim a query back in September and have not heard back.
Enjoy those few minutes of being caught
I would like to know about Kim Lionetti as well!
I hope you realize that when my work load seems impossible, I only have to read one of your submission updates to feel like a total bum…your schedule would make me crazy. (Crazier?)
Glad you're caught up, if you call the fulls and partials yet to read "caught up!" Happy New Year to you, too!
Unfortunately, I'm not as caught up as Jessica. I'm remaining closed to queries until February 1st so that I can get back to all those people who are still waiting to hear from me.
Thanks for your patience.
Thanks so much for your update.
Welcome on board 2011. I'm glad that you are one of those agencies that give prospective clients (aspiring authors) a chance to re-submit their queries.
Looks like it will be a busy year for you which is good as the business will always be up and running. Good luck.
What is this marevlous thing you speak of, "caught up"? Does. Not. Compute.