Welcome 2016!
- By: Jessica Faust | Date: Jan 04 2016

Here we are. Back again for another fabulous year. I can’t wait to get this one started.
At the beginning of last year I made a list of goals for myself, both professionally and personally. Professionally, I require all of BookEnds team members to make goals and share them. Together we sit down to discuss them, push each other for a little more and evaluate our goals from previous years.
Here we are. The start of a new year, and the time to make new goals.
2015 was a year of change for me and in looking at my goals (I print them out and set them on my desk so I can review them daily) I did pretty well. My plan is more of the same for 2016. I’m going to search for more thriller writers, help more of my clients grow to achieve their dreams, and find yet better ways to be more productive throughout the year. I’d also love to add another team member to the BookEnds staff. I think I’ve been spoiled by Moe. She’s been such a terrific asset that I want more of her.
If you haven’t done it already, now is the time. Sit down and make that list, stick it where you can see it daily, and work toward a better 2016.
I might even put mine in a frame this year.
Happy New Year!
I am not one for New Year’s Resolutions… and while it’s not the same as goals, making them at the start of the calendar year sometimes makes me crazy. I always feel like there’s such potential for letdown and failure.
That’s not to say I don’t ever create goals for myself – I definitely do. Mine often get created in September – I’ve been an educator forever, so I guess it’s a bit hypocritical of me to look down upon January 1 when basically I’m saying that September 1 is my resolution/goal time. Haha. Maybe I just don’t like like the January 1 pressure.
However, I have seen this #oneword2016 movement and I like that. Right now I’m looking at the word “Investment”. I’m a big believer in that I get back what I put in, and I figure that is a good reminder for myself as I continue to pursue publication, continue to write more and write better, continue to learn and teach.
So I’m jumping in: “invest” is my goal. 😀
I need to look into this #oneword2016 it sounds interesting.
I don’t usually write my goals down, I just sort of keep them in my head. Now I’m wondering if putting them in writing might help me stay focused while at the same time not feel overwhelmed. I think I’ll try it.
Top on my list: finish novel revision.
Elissa —
Multiple studies show that writing down your goals does, indeed, help you achieve them. And you have to write them by hand. (Well, you don’t have to, but studies again show that writing is a more effective tool for memory than typing.) So even if you type it up and print it out, write it down, too 🙂 And good luck with the revision!
I love goals! (Hate resolutions — they make me feel like a failure and I don’t need that kind of pressure in my life!) Heck, I even teach a goal setting and achievement class, that’s how much I love them.
I have multiple goals for the year, both personal and professional. I write them in the back of my planner so I can review them any time I am planning something and ask whether it moves me forward along one of those goal lines.
Happy 2016!
Jessica–a possible future blog topic–the difference between thrillers and suspense? If there is a difference..
I love that you all make goals and share them. It’s almost as though once you admit you want something, you’re now obligated to go after it. Personally, I’m a word-chooser rather than a goal-setter, but this year I also decided to choose 5 things I want to do more of every day. Nothing heavy, like Write 1,000 words a day! or Run 3 miles every morning! but simple things that, if I only have five minutes before bed, I can do each thing for one minute. Sounds silly, but I firmly believe intention is cumulative, and one minute a day for 365 days can make a huge difference.
I’ve started the year with a brand new job so it’s made it a little bit more difficult to set goals because I don’t know how much time the new job will take. But the job itself is part of my goals… I now have an editors position with a professional journal which is work from home. It ticks multiple boxes giving me flexibility to meet family commitments and write while finally giving me a writing-related income (even if it isn’t in fiction – that will come).
In the next few weeks, once I’ve settled in and have a routine, I will set more precise goals. In general I want to enter some US and UK contests, finish my ms, polish and sub.