Welcome to BookEnds, Jill Weatherholt!
- By: admin | Date: Jan 05 2018

I have a client (who will remain unnamed in this post, but I think she knows who she is) who sends me the best new client referrals. In fact, I believe I’ve signed several of the writers she’s referred to me. Inspirational romance writer Jill Weatherholt was one of those referrals. As soon as I started Jill’s story, I was captivated by the sweet small town, a conflict-driven reunion romance, and a pair of adorable twins. It was a winner and I’m happy to have added Jill to the BookEnds family! -Jessica Alvarez
Tell us a bit about your writing process. Where do you write, and how often?
I work full-time outside the home, so I’m a weekend warrior. When I can, I’ll squeeze in writing on weeknights, but Saturday and Sunday are when I get the most words written.
What do you love about writing Romance?
I enjoy the conflict involved in writing romance. Up until the end, you never think the hero and heroine will ever get together…but they always do. I like that.
Why did you choose the genre you’ve chosen?
There are no guarantees in life, but with romance, you’re guaranteed a happy ending.
Do you have any writing rituals? (e.g. burning a candle if you’re having trouble getting started at the computer or writing longhand first if you’re feeling uninspired.)
I love to listen to music before I write and also when I get stuck. When I start a first draft, writing in longhand always gets the words flowing.
If you’re not reading or writing, what would we catch you doing?
Playing golf, running on my treadmill, working jigsaw puzzles, or watching Hallmark movies—for research of course.
Where can readers find you on the web and social media?
JillWeatherholt.com is my website. My favorite form of social media is blogging. Stop by and say hi at jillweatherholt.wordpress.com.
If money were no object, what would be your dream writing location?
A cabin in the Shenandoah Valley.
What’s your favorite quote about reading or writing?
“You can’t wait for inspiration; you have to go after it with a club.”
What’s your favorite piece of writing advice you’ve received?
“Work on a computer that is disconnected from the internet.”
What excites you most about joining the BookEnds family?
The unlimited possibilities.
What advice would you give to other authors in the query trenches?
Choose wisely—don’t retain an agent, just to have an agent.
[…] To celebrate the start of a new year and its endless possibilities, I’m over at BookEnds Literary Agency. […]
Hi Jill,
Always thrilled to visit with you on a blogsite! I love to read and love the HEA books!! Looking forward to reading more from you this year!
Take care and have a great 2018!
Hi Jackie! Happy New Year! Thanks so much for all of your support…it really means a lot. We need more HEAs, don’t we? Stay warm!
Hey Jill, congrats again on your new authorial relationship here! Here’s to your boundless opportunities in writing 2018.
And Jessica – you’ve chosen a winner. 🙂
Aw…you’re so sweet, Laura. Thank you for your support and encouragement. Happy New Year to you and your family!
I’ve enjoyed Jill’s friendship via back-and-forth blogging and commenting for a few years, and she is certainly a wonderful addition to your literary agency! Although I’m not “into” the romance genre, I will certainly find my way to Jill’s fine books. All the best for a happy and successful 2018!
Hi Mark! You’ve been a great blogging bud, over the years. I always enjoy your road trips and hearing about your visits to see your mother. I might turn you into a romance reader yet! LOL! Just kidding…your friendship is enough. Happy New Year!
So absolutely pleased that this fine woman and accomplished writer is represented by an agency who recognizes Jill talents. Couldn’t have happened to a better person.
Thank you so much for your kind comment, Irene. You’re an awesome writing bud! Thanks for popping over.
Great words of wisdom Jill. I appreciate all the encouragement you give me in my writing journey. Thank you !! 🙂
Thank you, Melissa. One of the first things I discovered on my writing journey was how encouraging and support the writing community is to new writers. You’re a beautiful writer, who writes from the heart. I know one day, I’ll read your book. Stay warm!
Jill, so much writing wisdom here! And I admire your discipline. Congratulations on teaming up with Bookends. I know it will be a mutually beneficial relationship.
Hi Dee Dee! My state of discipline is a WIP. 🙂 I’ll share that in my ONE WORD post. Thank you for all of your support. I’m looking forward to your next book I hope your husband is feeling better!
Jessica, it’s lovely to read your interview with Jill here on bookends website. She’s a gifted writer and a joy to read! Jill, can I join you in that cabin in the Shenandoah Valley – I promise I won’t be a distraction and will come bearing gifts of chocolate and jigsaw puzzles! A delight to learn more about your working habits and I agree, the first draft always seems to work best in longhand – I’m the same with blog posts; always in a notebook first!
Sweet Annika, your comments never fail to bring a tear to my eye. You’ve been so encouraging and support over the years. I’m so blessed to have you in my life. Of course! There’s room at the Shenandoah cabin…especially if you bring chocolate and puzzles! Congratulations on your recent publication of THE STORYTELLER SPEAKS. It’s loaded on my Kindle. I’m excited to read it and I’m not surprised by the rave reviews. Thanks for stopping by!
Best of luck on your partnership!
Thank you, Nancy! I might have to road trip to Florida to celebrate. 🙂 Happy Weekend!
Nice interview and good to learn more about your process, Jill. I love your quote about writing and finding inspiration. Now, where’s my club?…
Thank you so much for stopping over, Carrie. LOL! Yes, we must always keep that club handy. Looking forward to your next release in March. Be safe driving home.
Jill, I saw your Facebook post so popped over here to congratulate you on signing with Jessica and BookEnds. I’ve heard good things about your choice. A writing cabin sounds like the perfect retreat for creating those romantic conflicts. There must be a few hummingbirds buzzing around when you need a distraction. Wishing you many blessings in 2018!
You’re so sweet, Sherida. Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by. Oh yes, I must have my hummingbird fix. Of course, sometimes I spend more time watching them than my WIP. I’m really missing them right now. Speaking of…my current proposal introduces the character with your name. If it flies, Sheirda will have her own story. Wishing you peace and joy in the new year!
Great advice, especially “Work on a computer that is disconnected from the internet.”
My style lately: Using my office desk for blog writing, and then sneaking into my husband’s art studio for memoir revisions and edits. Does my brain shift gears when I change spaces? I don’t know, but my Fitbit takes notice – ha!
You are off to a fabulous start, Jill. Cheers all the way through 2018!
Hi Marian! With my ADD tendencies, I’m easily distracted. I’ve found that putting writing first, by disconnecting from the internet, keeps me focused on my story. As you know, blogging is my favorite form of social media, so that gets my attention first, once the words are written. As for sneaking off to Cliff’s office…I’d be way too distracted by all of his amazing drawings! Thanks for stopping over today. Wishing you much success in 2018. I love your picture!
Gotta have my happily ever after and you deliver, Jill! Can’t wait to read this one. Congratulations on your exciting news!!
Aw…thanks, Dora! I think I learned it from you! Thank you so much for your encouraging words and amazing support. Enjoy the weekend!
Great interview!! It was so fun to read all about your writing habits and desires. I love watching Hallmark movies too. I LOVE your quote. Made me laugh but it makes sense. So happy you have found such a perfect fit for you. Wishing you both all the very best in this new year.
It’s always so nice to see you, Marlene. By the way, thank you for the beautiful Christmas card! Oh my, I watched so many Hallmark Christmas movies over the holidays, my eyes are bloodshot. Keep an eye out for your mail…I might send you your own club so you keep writing your wonderful stories. Happy New Year!
Thank you so much, Anneli! This is all new to me, but I’m very excited. I appreciate you stopping over today. Enjoy your weekend!
Jessica, thank you so much for your warm welcome. You and your staff have been wonderful. I’m so excited over our new partnership. I’ll do my best to make you proud in 2018! Happy New Year!
Sorry to be so late to the party!! Congratulations Jill! What a great way to start the year, working with a great agency like BookEnds and Jessica and the rest of the staff!
You’re right on time, Tina! Thank you for stopping by. I’m very excited for the new year! Everyone has been so warm and welcoming…my kind of peeps!
Sweet and to the point. I like your advice about choosing an agent. I’m glad you and your agent found each other.
Where did you get this great quote? “You can’t wait for inspiration; you have to go after it with a club.”
Thanks for stopping by, Nicki! I’ve heard horror stories about people going with the first agent, just to be represented. I really hadn’t planned on pursing representation, but sometimes God puts opportunities in front of us that we never new we needed. I’m honored to be part of the Bookends family. As you know from my blog, I love quotes, so it’s hard to say where I stumbled across that one, but it definitely stuck. Thank you for your support over the years!
Congratulations Jill and Jessica – You are a winning team! Wishing you wonderful adventures ahead!
Thank you so much, Donna! I appreciate you stopping by. Have a great weekend!
Congratulations, Jill! Wonderful news to start the year! Go Girl!
Thank you, Lyndee! I’m looking forward to seeing what 2018 brings. Happy New Year to you! See you on Seekerville!
Congratulations, Jill
It’s great to see you here, Derrick! I appreciate your support. Have a great weekend!
What an overwhelming response to Jill’s interview! Thank you all for stopping by! I’m so lucky to be working with Jill!
Isn’t the writing and blogging community great, Jessica? I’ve met so many wonderful friends over years.
Excellent questions and responses, and by reading this, I’ve learned more about my dear blogger-friend Jill. Congrats, Jill. In fact, congrats, both of you for finding each other in this literary world of ours!
Hi Cynthia! I enjoyed answering all of Jessica’s questions. Thank you for all of your support. I’m happy we connected through Word Press. Congratulations on the success of MYRTLE THE TURTLE…it’s a wonderful book for both children and adults. Happy New Year!
You’re a golfer! Didn’t know that about you, Jill, and I’ve been an avid follower for several years. “Long walk spoiled”–well, we could twist that to apply to writing, too!
Yes, Jacqui! I’ve even gotten a hole-in-one, the day after I had a colonoscopy. LOL! When Derek and I first met, I was just getting interested in the game. He thought it was a “sissy sport” but I took him along one day and he was hooked! All of our dates involved a round of golf. As you know, you can really get to know a person on the course. 🙂 Now we have a course in our backyard, but sadly I don’t get out there as much as I’d like. I’m so happy you stopped by today. Looking forward to your next book release! Have a great weekend!
Congratulations on finding a great agent relationship match for your talents, Jill! I hadn’t thought of totally disconnecting from the internet while writing – glad I saw your post BEFORE adopting the wisdom of your advice! 🙂
Thanks so much, Shel! As you know, working a full-time day job requires us to manage our time. The internet often leads me into the bottomless hole, so it’s best for me to disconnect as much as possible. I appreciate your support over the years. Happy New Year to you and your family!
Holy Comments, Batman!!! 🙂
Jill, I am so excited about your growing success and recognition. I’m happy dancing (mostly because it helps me stay WARM!!!) up here in Western NY and I’m so happy to say “I knew her when!”
Congratulations on all you do, and great blog post.
LOL! Thank you so much, Ruthy. Your support over the years has meant so much. You and the ladies at Seekerville have guided me to this point in my writing career…so thank you.
I’d send some warm air up from Charlotte, but we’re only at 32 today. Be safe!
Wishing you both a happy union. 🙂 🙂
Thank you so much, Jo! Here’s to a new year of your beautiful photographs! I appreciate you stopping by today.
Hey Jill,
Congratulations! I hope you had a great Christmas!
I’ll meet you at that cabin, just say when 😉
Thanks so much, Tracey! I loved the beautiful Christmas card…thank you! We’ll check our cabin schedules with Jackie. 🙂 I hope you’re not too snowed in!
Such wonderful news, Jill. I wish you all the best in 2018 — may it be your year! Happy Epiphany, and Happy New Year!
Thank you so much, Tracy. Happy New Year to you and Ken!
This is wonderful news, Jill – congratulations! I so enjoyed reading your interview! All the best for 2018 xx <3 <3 xx
Thank you so much, Clare! I appreciate your support and friendship over the years . So happy we met through WP! Happy New Year to you and your family!❤️❤️❤️
Nice interview, Jill. Always good to learn more about a fellow writer’s process, and congrats on your new agent! 2018 is shaping up very well for you. 🙂
Thanks so much, Jennifer! I’ve always loved to read tidbits on writer’s techniques and their process. Looking forward to your release in 2018. I appreciate your visit today!
Congrats, Jill! I’m so happy for your continued success! Can’t wait to see what happens next! (Wishing you hummingbird weather–but keep it up there for now. I’m enjoying winter here!)
All the best!
Thank you so much, Anna! I’m missing my hummies. When I heard about the southern snow storm, I immediately thought about how happy you must be. I appreciate you stopping by! Happy New Year!
I’m a big fan of Jill and it’s lovely to see her featured over here! I like the advice to work on work on a computer that’s not connected online – that’d mean fewer distractions when writing 😉 I wish Jill all the best!
Thank you so much, Christy. Meeting you and following your wonderful blog was a highlight in 2017. I appreciate you stopping by today. Happy New Year!
So many responses here I found memorable, Jill. Being disconnected from the internet while writing is a good one. I wish I could figure out how to disable the internet and hook it back up again on a regular basis. I had to laugh about you watching Hallmark movies for research. Hahaha, that’s why I do, too ;). At least it’s plausible for you!
Hi Luanne! When I turn my computer on, I’ll just open up Word and keep everything else closed . It takes some discipline , but the results are worth it. Those Hallmark movies are hard to resist, aren’t they? Thanks for stopping by today. Happy New Year!
Congratulations Jill!! And it was such fun reading your responses. You inspire me.
: )
Thank you so much, Laurie! I really appreciate your support and friendship. You’re supportive to so many of us in the writing community. You inspire me with the way you blow through your TBR piles! Thanks for stopping by.
Jill is a very special person – so thrilled for the exciting things happening for her. A big shout-out of congratulations Jill, great interview and loved your quote about inspiration – yes that kinds of says it all! You are an amazing writer who has found your calling by weaving magic in words we can all relate too! Best wishes for your continued success!!
Mary, thank you so much for your kind words. You know that I feel the same way about you. You’ve been so supportive to me and my family over the past year. Thank you for all of your guidance. As long as we’re on the subject of amazing…you’re one amazingly, talented artist! Wishing you and your family a safe and happy new year. xo
Congratulations Jill! Nice to see you here.
Thanks so much, Lisa. I’m thrilled to be a part of the BookEnds family. Happy New Year!
My friend, Jill is an amazing, warm and beautiful person inside and out. Her writing is filled with description, warmth and interesting twists.
I’m so excited Jill has an appreciative agent! She is a Jewel!
Looking forward to reading the newest Jill Weatherholt book!
I am excited about conflict and romance,since this represents Life.
Oh Robin, you’re so sweet. You’ve been so supportive and encouraging over the years…thank you. Your posts and comments are always written straight from the heart, and that’s why there’s so many bloggers who love you. You’re a blessing to so many. Thank you so much for stopping by.
Hi, Jill
For some reason I just saw the post at your blog today. I’m so glad to see you here on your agency’s blog. So proud of you!
Thanks so much, Linda! I appreciate you stopping by today.
To Bookends Literary Agency: You made a good decision with Jill. Romance is not my favorite genre but I found her novel to be a page-turner.
To Jill: Congrats on all your success… I am thrilled for you! But rats, I’ve been sitting around waiting for inspiration to come to me… now I see what the problem is… have to get myself a club…
Aw… thank you so much, Roslyn. I appreciate your kind words. I’m not so sure about you needing a club. Your fabulous photographs are proof of your inspiration. Thanks for stopping by!
First off, congratulations, Jill for signing with Jessica as your agent. It sounds like a perfect fit. Talk about a Happy New Year! What a way to start 2018. Sorry, I’m late to the party, but better late than never, right? 🙂
It seems to me that with romance, where “you never think the hero and heroine will ever get together…but they always do”, the plot and middle of the story seems more important (and challenging to write) than the end. I guess people read romance to feel better, a bit like watching chick movies. Maybe I should pick up a romance novel once in a while. 🙂
I love your quote “You can’t wait for inspiration; you have to go after it with a club.” I assume it has something to do with your love for golf?
A cabin somewhere in the middle of nowhere seems like the perfect writing locale in my book as well, but I think I’d prefer one in the tropics. While I would love one in the woods or the mountains, I would need it to be warm inside and the only way I know how to achieve that is by logs… Seems like a lot of work, but, chopping, carrying and stacking wood might be the best exercise to put the writer’s mind on something else than the book. What I would do for some peace and quiet right now, even if it involves making wood fires.
Sending lots of inspiration, writing time and enjoyment your way, Jill!!
Thanks for stopping by, Liesbet…I loved your comment! I’m with you on staying warm. I’d need that fireplace going 24/7 in the winter months. Of course, I’d hire someone to chop the wood. Happy New Year to you and Mark. Enjoy your time in San Diego!
Jill has become one of my best friends since we met as fellow bloggers several years ago. You are blessed to have her! Love you, Jill!!