Welcome to BookEnds, Lyn Liao Butler!
- By: admin | Date: Feb 13 2019

I’m thrilled to welcome Lyn Liao Butler to BookEnds! I fell in love with the heroine in her women’s fiction debut, the complicated family dynamics she must navigate, as well as the immersive sense of place that oozed off the pages. I can’t wait for you to read it down the road, but for now you can get to know a little more about Lyn. ~Rachel
Tell us a bit about your writing process. Where do you write, and how often?
I write wherever and whenever I can: at home, in the library or a coffee shop. I even write in my car during my son’s after school activities. I have a writing partner and we try to meet once a week to motivate each other. But I can only write during the daytime. Once it gets dark out, my brain shuts down and my writing turns to gibberish.
Do you have any writing rituals? (e.g. burning a candle if you’re having trouble getting started at the computer or writing longhand first if you’re feeling uninspired.)
No. I don’t sit down to write unless I have things worked out in my head. I think about my project a lot throughout the day, allowing it to percolate in my mind. I’ll jot down notes (or record them in my phone) so that by the time I sit down to write, it usually flows pretty fast. That’s why I don’t go by word count per day. All that thinking and planning, even if it doesn’t produce words that day, still counts as writing to me.
What do you love about writing women’s fiction?
I’ve been an avid reader my whole life and read everything, even cereal boxes when my mom took my books away for reading at the dinner table. But a few years ago, I went through some major traumatic life experiences all in one year. Reading women’s fiction and seeing some of the emotions I was facing on the pages made me feel like I wasn’t alone. That’s when I started to think maybe someone else would connect with what I had to say and it made me passionate about writing women’s fiction.
What is the hardest part about writing?
The waiting. Publishing is a very slow business and I have no patience. I love reading, I love writing, I even love critiques and revisions but the waiting part is like torture for me. But I’m learning to focus my attentions elsewhere while waiting. h
If you’re not reading or writing, what would we catch you doing?
I’m a yoga/fitness instructor and personal trainer so you can usually catch me torturing, I mean encouraging students in a boot camp class or helping people find their physical/mental balance in a yoga class. I also sew and have an Etsy shop for my handmade bags and purses. I volunteer for dachshund rescue groups (I’m owned by two dachshunds). And hanging with my six-year-old son who is really the happiest little boy I know.
Do you belong to any writing organizations?
Women’s Fiction Writers Association
Where can readers find you on the web and social media?
Twitter: @lynliao3
Instagram: @lynliaobutler
Etsy: www.pinotbylyn.etsy.com
What’s the last book you read?
I tend to read two or three books at a time –
Lying Beneath the Oaks by Kristin Wright
Shelter in Place by Nora Roberts
If money were no object, what would be your dream writing location?
Kauai, Hawaii. I want a second home there and live in Kauai during the cold months, and then come back to our house on the lake in New York during the warm months.
Plotter or pantster?
I used to be a pantster and realized that wasn’t working for me so now I’m a plotter.
Do you have a writing playlist or a vision board? If so, what’s on them?
No. I usually write in silence and my vision board is all in my head.
What excites you most about joining the BookEnds family?
What a great family it is! The BookEnds clients I know rave about their agents and the agency as a whole and how you are willing to fight for your clients and get those books published. I love the camaraderie that’s evident in your website and blog posts. It truly feels like a family with support from everyone, not just the one agent and that’s the kind of agency I was looking for.
What advice would you give to other authors in the query trenches?
I know I used to roll my eyes when I read this from authors while I was in the query trenches but really it’s this: DON’T GIVE UP if you truly love to write. I started querying in June of 2015 and by the beginning of 2018, I had decided to give up because it was either keep going or lose my sanity. I lasted all of two weeks before a new story idea came to me and I had to write it down and suddenly I was writing again. But this time, I reached out to other writers on twitter, joined Women’s Fiction Writers Association and found the support and beta readers I needed. And most importantly, I didn’t allow the ups and downs of writing to be my main focus. I had my sewing and my yoga and fitness teaching to help balance my life. Don’t get me wrong, it was hard and my poor husband suffered right along with me. But now I can honestly say, I’m so glad I didn’t give up and found Rachel!
If you could meet any author, living or dead, who would you want to meet and why?
Liane Moriarty. Her books are what got me through that traumatic year and inspired me to write. And also Barbara Kingsolver – Poisonwood Bible is one of my all time favorite books.
Congratulations to all! Can’t wait to read it!!!
Good luck
I can’t wait to read this book. I know Lyn and have read some of her fabulous short stories so I am sure I will love this too. So excited for her
Good luck Lyn! Your blog posts have always been so entertaining and well written – it’s great that you’re taking it further. I am so excited for you to fulfill this dream!
Congrats, I can’t wait to read your book. All the best
Can’t wait to read it!!
Can’t wait to read this!
I love Lyn’s voice in the work I have read. I can’t wait to read more
I can’t wait to read it. Congratulations !!!
Awesome Lyn ! I can’t wait to read it!
Beyond excited to see Lyn here! I first encountered Lyn through her sewing & a purchase from her Etsy that I still use and love today. As a mom of dachshunds as well we found each other on a FB group after I showed off my dachshund themed purse purchase.
Over time I got to see Lyn set out and attain each goal she’d mention as an initial interest. 🙂
When Lyn took to posting her short stories (along side her learning then all of the sudden instructing yoga) I’d always find as I read them I was focused enough to forget what I had been doing. That’s been a reliable sign to me when I can escape into another’s words.
God Bless on this wonderful new part of the journey!
Yessss! Lyn is the best!!!! So excited about this !!
Lyn I have read your blogs, your short stories and have enjoyed them a sometimes with a mix of tears and smiles….
That’s so awesome! Can’t wait to read it!
This is great! Very excited for all and can’t wait to read this.
What an inspiring interview with a wonderful new literary voice! I am a big fan of Lyn’s blog. Looking forward to reading her work in print!
Congratulations to Lyn!!! I have loved your blogs and posts and can’t wait to read everything you continue to write!!!
I love this post. Congratulations Lyn and Rachel, and wow what an adorable Dachshund! Can’t wait for your book!
Congrats , Lynn. This so awesome. So excited for you.
Lyn, you are so great and I would read anything by you. Good luck!
So happy for you Lyn! Can’t wait to read it.
Can’t wait to read to read anything you write!! Go you!!
I can’t wait Lyn, so exciting! I always enjoyed your blogs so I know I would love your book! Fabuloso!
I can’t wait Lyn, so exciting! I always enjoyed your blogs so I know I would love your book!
Congratulations Lyn. I can’t wait to read your book! I already love reading your blog!!!!
Congratulations, Lyn! I can’t wait to read your first of many books!!
I’m so proud of you Lynn!!! It’s great that you didn’t give up. I’m right behind you!! Best of everything to you. I’ll be following your journey and coming to a book signing in NYC!!
Congrats to you!! Looking forward to reading your new book!!
Awesome Lyn ! Can’t wait to read it.
Congrats, I can’t wait to read your book. You are amazing! Love u
This is so exciting! Looking forward to reading the book!
This is wonderful news Lyn. I’d love to introduce you to my book club! Can’t wait to read your book.
You inspire me in so many ways and just like you, I’m sure your book will be fabulous!
Congratulations Lyn! Can’t wait to read your books!
Lyn has preserved through the past few years with grace. She now has even more life experience from which to inspire her with new ideas for books or blog posts. Congratulations and best of luck to you!! Can’t wait for the published stories!!
That 1st sentence had a typo – should say:
Lyn has persevered…
Clearly I need a good editor!
Great interview! . I hope that women’s fiction will follow the lead of YA with more authors of color being published. I love any book with interesting characters, a powerful story and great writing. I’d also like to read more books featuring diverse characters in new to me settings. Lyns debut has all of my favorite elements and I’m excited to read her debut.
Great and inspirational interview! I’m looking forward to reading your debut novel. We need more diversity in women’s fiction and I know you’ll help make that happen.
I’m so excited for you, Lyn!! Now we know why you kept sneaking off to the city after working us out! 🙂 Congrats!!!!
So excited for you, Lyn! Now we know why you kept running off secretly to the city after working us out!! 🙂 Congrats!
This is so exciting – congratulations!!!!
Lyn, this is so wonderful. You have so much to say as an Asian woman with loving Taiwanese parents and who also clearly enjoys being American.
Your gift of understanding the yin and yang in people shows in the way you teach both yoga and cardio- strength classes.
My best wishes to you.
LYN!!! I am beyond thrilled and excited for you! CONGRATULATIONS on such an amazing accomplishment. I am so inspired that you followed another dream and you are succeeding yet again! I cannot wait to walk into the book store and buy your books off the shelf. I am so looking forward to reading them all. From the ballet barre, studio owner, etsy store owner, fitness instructor, yoga instructor, mom to your son and dachshunds, writer and everything in between. It’s all so incredible! Your long term friendship is an absolute honor. Wishing you all the best always. I’m looking forward to being a part of this exciting journey of yours :-).
And YES to diversity!