Your Voice Matters. Your Vote Matters

  • By: Jessica Faust | Date: Nov 03 2020

Your voice matters. What you say, what you think, and what you want for yourself, your family, and your country matter. If you haven’t yet voted, today is the day. I beg you, let your voice be heard.

So many have already voted and I fear talk of watching the polls will silence those who have not yet had the chance. Don’t let it. Get out there and vote because the future of your schools, your town, your state, and your country depend on your voice.

I Voted!

One response to “Your Voice Matters. Your Vote Matters”

  1. Avatar AJ Blythe says:

    When I started reading this I thought it was about voice in writing. So my brain was on a different plane completely. As I kept reading I got very confused until it clicked it was about the election (as an Aussie, it wasn’t my first thought). *face palm*