A Shout-Out to Beth Campbell

  • By: Jessica Faust | Date: Apr 22 2015

It’s administrative assistant week and I want to take a moment to send a shout-out to Beth Campbell. Not only is Beth the assistant for the entire BookEnds team, but she is also actively building her own list and has had some wonderful successes. In fact, just this month we celebrated three sales for Beth.

I’m not going overboard on Administrative Assistant Day for Beth. She can blame my old boss for this. I was “raised” in publishing to believe that I wasn’t an assistant to be honored on this day. I was a fledgling editor who was learning my trade and growing in my profession. Instead of handing over flowers on Administrative Assistant Day, my boss celebrated my successes as an editor any time I had them.

So while I want Beth to know how much I appreciate all the work she does as an assistant, I want to use this day/week to let all of you know what a great new agent Beth is becoming. She’s actively building a list in urban fantasy, science fiction, YA, suspense, romantic suspense and mystery and if you’re writing in her areas of expertise I think you’d be a smart writer and query her. And fast, before she’s too busy to add anyone else.


2 responses to “A Shout-Out to Beth Campbell”

  1. AJ Blythe says:

    >> Instead of handing over flowers on Administrative Assistant Day, my boss celebrated my successes as an editor any time I had them.<<

    How lovely! I think that is so much nicer. Kinda like The Hub and I – we don't do Valentine's Day because we think it's better to show how much we love each other all the time, not ust one prescribed day of the year.

    Noted that Beth represents mystery. I'm writing as fast as I can 🙂