BookEnds Trivia
- By: Jessica Faust | Date: Aug 18 2009
Here is quiz full of information you have no reason to ever know about BookEnds, but hey, every blog post can’t be purely for educational purposes. We need fun too. So let’s see how well you know your BookEnds agents.
1. Which two agents started their careers as interns at Berkley?
a. Kim & Jacky
b. Jacky & Jessica
c. Jessica & Kim
d. All of the above
2. Who is Riggins?
a. Jacky’s dog
b. Kim’s dog
c. Jessica’s dog
d. Our assistant
3. Who invented the term “twitch” as it relates to publishing?
a. Our assistant
b. Kim
c. Jacky
d. Jessica
4. Who survives without coffee?
a. Kim
b. Our assistant
c. Jessica
d. Jacky
5. Who did Jessica once dogsit for?
a. Maurice Sendak
b. Elizabeth Strout
c. Miss Snark
d. Pete Hamill
6. What is the name of the BookEnds assistant (frequently referred to as “our assistant”)?
a. Holly
b. Martha
c. Your Highness
d. Katelynn
7. Who is the only BookEnds agent without an English degree?
a. Jacky
b. Jessica
c. Kim
d. None of the above
8. What year did Jacky, Jessica, and Kim first meet?
a. 1994
b. 1995
c. 1996
d. 1997
9. What is the longest time a BookEnds project has been on submission before a sale is finally made?
a. 2 months
b. 2 years
c. 2 weeks
d. 12 years
10. How many books did BookEnds sell in 2008?
a. 97
b. 57
c. 127
d. 77
1. (a) Kim and Jacky both started their careers as Berkley interns, although years apart. In fact, Jacky was the first ever intern at Berkley and later went on to actually run the intern program, hiring Kim.
2. (c) Riggins is Jessica’s fairly new rescue dog, but his name was suggested by Kim. He was named after Tim Riggins, a character on Friday Night Lights, although Jessica’s husband will swear he’s named after Washington Redskin John Riggins.
3. (b) “Twitching” was Kim’s idea as a way to launch Jessica (@bookendsjessica) and Kim (@bookendskim) into the Twitter world. Twitch Week was a contest of Tweet Pitches run through Twitter.
4. (d) While Jessica, Kim, and their assistant can’t believe anyone survives without coffee, Jacky does. Although she drinks a lot of tea.
5. (b) As a poor editorial assistant Jessica dogsat for extra money and author Elizabeth Strout (at about the time her first book was released) was one of her clients.
6. (d) Katelynn saves our butt more times than we can count. She started as an intern and landed the job when another former intern-turned-assistant, Holly, moved to St. Martin’s.
7. (b) Jessica actually has a degree in journalism.
8. (a) 1994, when Jessica started her job as an editorial assistant at Berkley and Kim started her internship. Jacky was already working there.
9. (b) 2 years: Jacky and Jessica each had a project that took two years from the time of first submission to sale, which is why we always encourage authors to never give up.
10. (c) 127 books were sold in 2008. Note that some of these, probably many of them, were multi-book deals and we didn’t count foreign sales in this number. Okay, the number is rough, but you get the idea.
I'm not cheating and reading the answers, but I'm going to use the test response methodology used by many high school students and see if I can attain a passing grade:
1. A
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. A
6. C
7. D
8. C
9. A
10. C
Now I will go back and validate my responses:
1. Correct
2. Correct
3. Incorrect
4. Incorrect
5. Incorrect
6. Incorrect
7. Incorrect
8. Incorrect
9. Incorrect
10. Correct
As you can see, the esteemed agents at BookEnds are not AC/DC fans. Alas, I am proud to say that I did better than 30% in high school (probably because I used alternative test response strategies then).
Kim named Riggins and came up with "twitch:" I think she's got some great ideas! 🙂
No…coffee…? Gobsmacked, I tell you. Gobsmacked.
WOW! I got 'em all right! I mean, it was an *open book* test!
Haste yee back 😉
This was so much fun! Please consider making it a regular feature on your blog!! I needed this lighthearted fun today more than you know. And, I'm with Jacky – tea, baby!
I LOVED this mult choice quiz! 😉 And learned things too.
I got only one answer right. I guessed that Jacky might drink tea because she's from England. (And I survive quite well on the gentle release of caffeine from my tea.)
I liked this. I especially liked hearing that you sold 127 books in '08 and that it never took more than 2 yrs to sell anything. I wonder, though, how many books were given up on before they could be counted in this statistic.
Fun stuff, and I probably could have only answered half of them correctly!!
127 books sold in '08. wow! Good for you guys.
Sigh. I only got four right. I'll have to pay more attention.
I was about to play when you showed me the answers. geez.
I guessed a few of them. I liked this post. It's nice to know a bit more about the company. Thank you!
How do you think I got 100%!!
Haste yee back 😉
Yeah, I got all of them wrong. How does that work statistically?
Fun quiz, though – I learned lots! Go journalism school grads. 😉
I think you had way too much fun with this post.
It's not like I didn't ask.
Tim Riggins = yum
Where is your question, "Who is the most valued author services publisher?" Nope not Lulu, nope not iUniverse. According to E News Channel and the NY Times–Nautilus Press, is an authentic pubilsher that allows authors to get their books brought to the marketplace with class and distinction. The only problem is that you have to pay through the nose.
This was so much fun! Please consider making it a regular feature on your blog!! I needed this lighthearted fun today more than you know.
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