- By: Jessica Faust | Date: Aug 20 2009

Back in June agent Andrew Zack wrote a series of posts on Bookscan and since then I’ve received a number of questions from authors asking my thoughts on Bookscan and my recommendations for how authors can track Bookscan numbers or their numbers in general.
For those not familiar with Bookscan, let me explain briefly that Bookscan is the book version of the Nielson TV rating system. It tracks and monitors sales of books in various outlets. However, like any mass tracking system it’s not perfect. Bookscan does not track every sale in every single outlet and certainly there are some major stores missing from the list, most notably Walmart.
Bookscan should not and typically is not taken into account if you are going back to contract with your current publisher (they have their own, more accurate, numbers to look at) or if you are a debut author. However, where Bookscan most predominantly comes into play is for authors looking to change houses or those who might have self-published and are now looking to find a publisher for that self-published title or the next book. Publishers are not going to be able to call up a competing house and say, “Hey, we’re looking to steal your author, care to share the numbers?” and because of that they have to go to the next most reliable source, Bookscan. This helps give them a feel for what kind of orders they can expect from bookstores. And yes, they do realize that Bookscan isn’t complete, but, especially for books that they don’t expect outlets like Walmart to take, it can help make a determination as to expectations.
So how does this impact you as an author and do you need to track your Bookscan numbers? Certainly it’s helpful to have as much information as you can about yourself and how you’re perceived, but Bookscan is really expensive and I do not think the cost is worth it for an individual author, especially since it’s not a complete accounting. The very best place to go to learn how well your book is doing and what kind of numbers you’re getting is your publisher. Call your editor, or have your agent call your editor, to find out what sales look like. However, if you still, even out of curiosity, really want to know how you look on Bookscan (and it can’t hurt unless you let it), organizations like RWA have considerably cheaper Bookscan subscription fees; keep in mind, however, that the RWA subscription only tracks the top 100 romances and therefore wouldn’t be helpful if you’re writing in any other genre.
Here are my thoughts: if you can get a less costly subscription to Bookscan that’s useful for you, like through RWA, do so. It’s worth it just to see how your book and others are tracking. It’s also helpful for you to be able to see trends and keep track of the market. However, the really important numbers are those that are coming through on your royalty statement. Those are the numbers that matter and, in the end, that stand out to everyone as the ones to watch. If you are tracking Bookscan I would say do so with the same attitude you track your ratings on Amazon or B& They are a sign of how well your book is doing, but not the whole picture.
When I was first published I made myself nuts following sales numbers. I didn't even know about Bookscan, but I could drive myself crazy enough with rankings at Amazon and Barnes & Noble online. I realized very quickly that all it did was make me nuts. I'd rather spend the time writing and promoting my books. Same goes for reading online reviews. Learning to ignore them and concentrate on writing has been a lot healthier. I keep reminding myself it's all about the book, not the numbers, at least from my POV. Let the publisher and my agent worry about numbers.
I love you.
The Anonymous Admirer
This is really helpful. I like that you address both the newbie and the published writer, Jessica. It feels like I have a good resource to tap into if I move into the realm of the published. It's also cool getting a window into that world.
I wish I'd had you wisdom, Kate, when I first realized there were reader reviews on The negative ones gave me writer's block for years, something I've yet to completely overcome. Years later, it occurred to me to read the reader reviews of authors I know have a large following, and guess what? They'd gotten reviews at least as bad as mine. (I received positive ones, as well, but my insecurity homed in on the negative ones).
Yup Kate is a very wise lady.
Watching your numbers is pointless, because frankly there's nothing you can do about them. Now that your book is out there, you're done. Write the next book and make it every better than the last, that is the ONLY thing you have control over.
Thank you for posting this; I will know this for the future. With all the chatter about Bookscan I began to get confused, but I have a grasp on it now.
Kate, you are a wise woman.
Great post, Jessica!
LOL…gee, I need to post first more often…it must make me look like I know what I'm doing! FWIW, I have a sign on my wall that reads:
Make it work.
Get it done.
It's all about the book.
The rest is unimportant.
Learning to ignore them and concentrate on writing has been a lot healthier.
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