Everyone Starts Somewhere

  • By: Jessica Faust | Date: Jun 28 2017

At some point we all started somewhere. We all put that first word on the page, wrote our first query, and submitted to our first agent. We all had a first contract, email from an editor, and the first check. When you’re feeling overwhelmed by everything that’s happening and as if you’re the most uneducated on the block stop to remind yourself of this, then reach out to your support network for guidance and advice (for some that will be your agent).

3 responses to “Everyone Starts Somewhere”

  1. Almost magical, this post is for me, perfect timing.
    Yesterday, book years in the making off to editor.

    Today first day, new WIP.

    Today all the promises I make to myself for completion are as fresh and green as the trees outside my window. You are the pause I took to rest my racing mind.
    Back to work. Although on this first day, it doesn’t feel like work.

  2. Elizabeth Zane says:

    How does a new writer find a support network?

    • Jessica Faust Jessica Faust says:

      Join one of the major organizations like RWA, MWA, SFFWA or SCBWI. Check out websites like Absolute Write or Backspace Writers. Contact your local library or community center to see if there are any local writing groups or organizations. Reach out to writers through Facebook or Twitter. Those are good starts.