Happy Thanksgiving
- By: Jessica Faust | Date: Nov 27 2008

Here in the US it’s Thanksgiving, a time to eat, watch parades, watch football, eat more and eat again. Oh, and it’s also a time to be thankful. I love Thanksgiving. I love the food, the friends, the parade and the traditions. One of my favorite traditions is to have everyone say one thing they are thankful for, and since this is a publishing blog I think we should find one thing about publishing or writing that we are thankful for.
For me, it’s the writers. I’m thankful for every writer past, present and future who has given me an amazing book to read. I’m thankful for the writers I can call clients who continue to excite me with their next projects and I’m thankful for the stories these writers continue to bring to all of us.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I have many things to be thankful for, but since this is the Bookends blog, I’ll highlight my thanks for Jessica’s calm guidance through the often confusing maze of publishing and her discerning editorial eye when asked to read my stuff–especially this last project which I think was a special challenge for both of us.
My imagination!
Happy Thanksgiving Jessica! I think the one thing I’m thankful for in the publishing industry is all of the awesome, blogging agents. Without agent blogs, a lot of us unpublished writers would really be lost in the sea of information out there. You guys really help direct us writers to proper info, and give us really clarifying information. It helps tramendously.
I’m thankful for you wonderful community of writers I’ve become friends with.
I’m thankful I’m able to make a good living as a freelance writer.
I’m thankful for those who have taken time to pass on their knowledge, both of writing and the publishing industry.
I’m thankful for my life, my health, my family, and I’m thankful that though I’m not yet paid for it, I love what I do. It’s blogs like this that keep me inspired to keep plucking along at it.
Happy Thanksgiving, Jessica!
I am thankful for many things. But to limit this comment to one item, I’ll say I’m thankful for YOUR BLOG, for its helpful information about the publishing industry and for being a place where writers can engage in conversations with other writers and publishing professionals.
Not just one thing, I hope? I’m probably most grateful for stories. Gosh, I really love story, in all forms. But since writers come up with the stories, I’m most grateful for writers.
But since they couldn’t do it without the support and help of other writers and agents and editors, then…
I’m grateful for the whole industry, top to bottom.
I’m thankful for the support of my family and friends in my writing endeavors, and for my new agent.
I know that’s two things, but it’s so hard to limit it to one when you’re blessed with such a great support team.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving 🙂 I’m grateful for good agents.
Happy Thanksgiving doll!
I’m happy for people like you and Nathan who go out of their way to inform aspiring writers what it’s like in your highly coveted world.
You guys don’t have too, but it is always highly appreciated. Even if we don’t tell you, as much.
I’m thankful for the encouragement and wisdom of others, people in this industry who continue to give back even though they don’t have to do so.
Thanks to everyone at BookEnds and to their families. Happy Thanksgiving.
Like Sally M., I’ve got so much to be thankful for. But on this blog I’d like to give special thanks to my fantabulous agent for all of our long talks, brainstorming, editorial suggestions, and career planning.
😉 Bella
As a yet-to-be published writer, I’m thankful that each new project is a new beginning. Every time I type “Chapter One” I give myself another chance.
I’m thankful for blogs like this, for agents like Jessica who are willing to take the time and share, for my own agent who rocks. I’m grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to write, and that 2008 was the year of my first sale. I’m grateful to be healthy, my kids are healthy, husband…yeh, lots to be grateful for!
At this time in my life I’m most thankful for all the agents, publishers, and editors who are doing blogs just like yours, giving great insight to the literary business.
Thank you, truly, for taking time out to help the aspiring writers like myself.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I’m thankful for those in the industry who continue to “pay it forward” with information and assistance for those of us still trying to crack it.
Happy Thanksgiving, Jessica.
I have so much to be thankful for, but the fact Jessica took me on as a client so long ago and still hasn’t booted me out the door is right there at the top of my list. I’m also thankful for my amazing readers who keep in touch and treat me like an old friend. We’re so constantly bombarded by bad news that it’s comforting to know just how many really kind, generous, flat-out wonderful people are out there.
I’m thankful for the night when I met Jessica and Kim at RWA in Dallas after my first sale – and for Kim later becoming my agent.
Thankful, also, for the surgeons who restored my heart and health so I can write again!
I’m thankful we’re getting a new President. Who will hopefully, be able to turn the economy around. Which might lead to more book-buying.
I’m also thankful for all the agent blogs and for writer-based sites that have tremendously helped all writers.
I’m thankful for all I’ve learned here at the Bookends Blog, Swivet’s, Nathan’s and all the other agents who help us by posting such great information. You’ve been a blessing.
I’m grateful that I started writing and found that it’s something I love doing and can do no matter what the circumstances are.
Since my first vocation is science, and requires grants, specialized equipment and expensive materials, I really appreciate the fact that as long as I have a pencil and paper, I can write.
I’m also thankful for all the agents, editors and fellow writers who give generously of their time and energy to answer questions, support and inspire me. I hope we all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
I’m thankful for a lot of things/people already mentioned (including agent blogs!), but also for the fact that I live in the era of the laptop rather than the quill, and that I don’t have to adopt a male pseudonym to get published.