Holiday Rejections–A Reader Poll
- By: Jessica Faust | Date: Dec 06 2017

It’s already that time of year and I can’t believe it. In just a few weeks the BookEnds offices will be closing for the holidays. It will be our time to spend with friends and family, celebrate the many wonderful successes we’ve achieved in 2017, plan for an even more productive 2018, and maybe even read a submission or two in between cookie making and those book piles we haven’t yet gotten to.
One of the many discussions agents have this time of year is whether or not to send rejections over the holidays. Is it cold-hearted to reject an author during the time of year when everything is supposed to be Sugar Plum Faeries and candy canes or is it just business? Would authors prefer to enter January fresh, knowing where they stand with agents or getting their rejections after the new year?
When I was a new agent I felt bad sending rejections in December so I would often hold them and send a bulk in January. Now that I’m old and grizzled I just send them when I finish the book. While I’m sensitive to the fact that an author might not want a rejection at Christmas-time, I’m also sensitive to the fact that waiting can be the hardest part. In the end, it sort of doesn’t matter when I send it, it’s still a rejection.
Of course feelings on this are going to be mixed, but we are curious to hear from our readers.
How do you feel about holiday rejections?
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Maybe not on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, though.
Some rejections hurt more than others, but it’s usually when I was sure an agent was going to groove on my book, based on what I read about her. It’s never the time of year. Now, if I get a particularly tough rejection on my birthday when I turn 50 in 2019, that will be a hard day. Hope I find my match before then.
An addendum to my vote…just remember time differences. What is today to you is tomorrow for me, and while I wouldn’t care what month it is, perhaps Christmas day itself might be tough 😉
Why not just ask writers to also include their birthdays, anniversaries, and children’s birthdays on their queries? This way, you also know which dates to avoid sending rejections.
Also, find out if they plan to put down a pet soon. You really would NOT want to send one on the same day that Buster gets the pento injection.
A formal rejection reply is always better than no reply at all. It tells us where we stand in the process of finding a suitable agent. I also respect that you take time during the holidays to sit down and type out the message.
P.S. Feel free to reply with acceptances too. That’s a nice way to end the year.