New Client Alert – Alethea Kontis
- By: BookEnds | Date: Nov 18 2020

Name: Alethea Kontis
What you Write: Picture books, MG, YA, short stories, essays, reviews, poetry
Agent: Moe Ferrara
Why BookEnds? Referred by my friend Kat Spears
What genres do you write? Read?
Write: Fantasy, SF, poetry, horror
Read: Fantasy, poetry, YA contemporary romance
Plotter or pantster?
A little bit of both
Synopses, love them or hate ‘em?
Hate them
Do you have a writing playlist or a vision board? If so, what’s on them?
No – I write in silence
Drink of choice when writing? When not writing?
Water, coffee, tea – I usually have all at once on the table beside me. I like choices!
Day or Night writer?
I feel more in control of things in the morning. That said, when it’s Nano and I’m plowing through something, I do the most writing between 8pm and 10pm.
Twitter or Instagram? Or Facebook? Where can we find you?
Since lockdown, I am most often on Instagram – I still host Saturday Songwrite live chats every Saturday, and I’ll still pop in to other friends’ live chats when they’re around. The funny memes posted on my Twitter and FB Author Page are usually scheduled well in advance by either me or my assistant.
If you could meet any author, living or dead, who would you want to meet and why?
Ellen Raskin. I love her word play. I bet she was just super smart.
I’m also sad I never got to meet Diana Wynne Jones when she was alive. We have a lot of mutual friends who say we would have gotten along famously.
Yay, so happy to have you as an agency sister!
Thank you! I’m so honored to be part of the team. Love you, sister! xox