Here’s What BookEnds Did This Summer

  • By: Jessica Faust | Date: Sep 05 2019

My favorite myth of publishing is the summer slowdown, the supposed time when no one works and nothing gets done. When agents and editors are soaking up the Hamptons sun while sipping rose and reading all the latest ARCs.

We wish.

In my continued effort to dispel the myth of the summer slowdown let me tell you a bit about what BookEnds did this summer. More specifically, what BookEnds did the months of July and August.

This summer the agents of BookEnds

Signed 28 new clients.

Made 51 new book deals.

Held 4 auctions.

Attended 11 conferences.

Sent 59 submissions.

Went on 9 vacations.

Read 47 books that weren’t written by clients or potential clients.

And drank at least a few bottles of rose.

Summer slowdown? Not as far as we’re concerned.

Congratulations to all the agents and clients of BookEnds. If that’s what a slowdown looks like I can’t wait to see what happens this Fall.

4 responses to “Here’s What BookEnds Did This Summer”

  1. Emma Waverly says:

    My, you guys sound extra busy. I am thrilled to be a part of the Bookends team now, and can’t wait to see what the rest of 2019 holds!

  2. Stephen Che says:

    Numbers really do tell a story. Wish you continued success in your work!

  3. Betsy Johnson says:

    Hope the person who compiled all those stats got to have extra rose. I love reading Bookends stuff. Thanks for keeping things light and fun.

  4. AJ Blythe says:

    Lol, as a writer I’ve heard of summer slowdown (so don’t submit), don’t submit after Thanksgiving, but don’t submit in New Year (because agent’s too busy catching up on the Thanksgiving to New Year period and will just skim through).

    Janet Reid wrote a really funny post about it here.