Social Networking: Twitter Tips
- By: Jessica Faust | Date: Apr 28 2011

A must-read article by Media Bistro. Read carefully. I think we could all learn a lot.
The only thing I would add is to have fun with it. Twitter is supposed to be fun. Join in a conversation, share random thoughts and laugh while you’re doing it. The more fun you have the more successful you’ll be.
Thanks for sharing, this was an interesting read!
Very interesting read! Is there an author you think really uses Twitter well?
I remember this article. I think I read it a couple of weeks ago and came away feeling self-conscious. In general, I think following back on Twitter is the polite thing to do and I feel like people who don't are being kind of snobby. That said, I agree that authors are much more likely to have people pay attention to their tweets if they aren't giving updates on their bodily functions every five minutes.
Twitter seems to be fairly forgiving in that nobody pays attention to messages for more than a few hours (usually). Experiment until your people find you and keep going with what's interesting to them. Also, yes, fun is crucial.
Very good article! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for this article. I just (finally) signed up for a Twitter account last week and am already feeling uneasy about it. I haven't committed any of those particular sins but I still feel a little out of place. But I'm trying to give it a shot!
Thanks for sharing. I absolutely love Twitter. I'm including a link to a column I wrote (published Sunday in the York Daily Record/Sunday News) on 10 Things I've Learned From Social Media so far. I'm the newspaper's social media coordinator. Your blog readers might find it useful.
These are good tips to keep in mind. Thanks for sharing.
Twitter should be IGNORED.
That's a good article. Now I just need to bring myself to update my profile and post someting without feeling like I'm in limbo.
I just find it such a timesink… and trying to figure it out!!!! I had just figured out how to do #FF, and then *new* Twitter seems to have changed it… now I can't do #FF with just 'reply'. I'm lost now… can't figure it out.
I worry about spending so much time on FB/Twitter/Goodreads/BookBlogs etc, that I won't spend enough actually writing!
My biggest problem with Twitter is the giant time-suck it becomes when a conversation gets interesting. It's impossible to follow along and reply while doing anything else.
I've avoided it since I started my new account, but I know I should probably jump back in.
I was nervous about posting to twitter for awhile; I signed up 4 years ago and tweeted maybe 12 times. I started following more people, going beyond friends to lit agents, publishing companies and funny people like Stephen Colbert. I lurked for a long time. I agree, it's a time suck, but I think it's a relevant communication tool. My twitter post updates my facebook, meaning I don't have to chck fb as often either.
What is "Twitter?" And can I get it on my Walkman?
Interesting tips. Thanks for sharing.
I'll also add that the tweeters who ONLY do #ww and #ff but never speak otherwise…bore me to tears. Thank you for the shout out, but are you really there??
I really enjoyed this, as well as one of the links below it about 5 ways to be successful on Twitter. and then the 5 free Twitter tools…(yep I was link-leaping) I learned about some managing tools I hadn't heard of.
Great post. Twitter even came up on last night's #yalitchat, and the sales-y problem came front & center. It's a fine line between promotion & annoyance. 🙂
Thanks for the link!
RE: Twitter, I went kicking and screaming into heaven. There was no way, no how I was EVER going to "join" Twitter. (Hah! Like there's anything to join!) Now I love it to pieces. The support within the writing community (including agents, pubs, and editors) is priceless.
Yes, yes and yes!
Fantastic tips! Thanks for sharing the article. These are all things I've been working on myself to get a few followers on Twitter, so it's good to see those ideas reinforced.
Thanks! I just tweeted this article. Muhahahahahaha!