The Beginner’s Guide to An Author’s Financials

  • By: BookEnds | Date: Jul 14 2021

Jessica and James are not accountants. But, as literary agents, they have a few observations on the most common financial topics that will arise for you in publishing.

Here’s a crash course on what you need to know about financials in this industry. Enjoy!

4 responses to “The Beginner’s Guide to An Author’s Financials”

  1. Avatar Richard Rowley says:

    I enjoyed your video. It was very informative.

  2. Avatar Sandra Pollino says:

    Hi Jessica and James, great as always! Thank you for the informative information. It is a business, but I never looked at it as such. I wondered about books that are out of print. Do you still get royalties? Have a wonderful day! Thanks

    • Hi! Thank you. You get royalties for as long as the book sells. Once it is out of print that typically means there are no more books selling to earn royalties from.

  3. Avatar Diane Riley says:

    Thank you for this informative video. It offers even more reasons to hire an agent for one’s book journey. I’ll be dating myself, but when I started my proofreading and copy editing business, I had on my desk an income ledger, an expense ledger, and plenty of sharpened Ticonderoga #2 pencils. 🙂