Author Speed Date
- By: Jessica Faust | Date: Jun 24 2011

The idea of speed dating is that you get 10 minutes to sit down with a prospective date and get to know them. In that spirit, we present Author Speed Date. A quick 10 minutes for you to get to know some of our clients. Today we’d like you to meet Laura Alden.
BookEnds Author Speed Date
Name (the one you’re published under): Laura Alden
Speed date Bio (one or two lines): Village clerk by day, mystery writer by night, voracious reader at all times.
Web Link:
Next Book, pub date: Foul Play at the PTA, July 2011
Agent: Jessica Faust
About Me
Real Name or Pseudonym: Laura Alden (pseudonym), Janet Koch (what my mom calls me).
Currently Reading: Worth Dying For by Lee Child
Next on Your Reading List: Leap of Faith, Queen Noor’s memoir
Facebook or Twitter (include account name): Facebook as Laura Alden
Three authors living or dead you would want to have dinner with: Laurie R. King, Emily Dickinson, John McPhee.
Jet-setter or armchair traveler: If the checkbook is healthy, jet-setter. If the checkbook is flat, armchairs are just fine.
Glass ½ full or ½ empty: Depends on what’s in the glass!
Tea or Coffee: Tea
Live to write or Write to live: Started out as writing to live, now I live to write.
About My Writing
When (time of day) I write: Whenever I have an open ten minutes.
Writing soundtrack: Windham Hill-type music. Can’t listen to anything vocal; I stop writing and start listening.
Character Inspirations: Every person I meet. (Heh heh heh.)
Plot Inspirations: Almost any news article I read.
Setting Inspirations: Wherever I happen to be, and anywhere I’ve ever wanted to travel. (This includes time travel 🙂
Plotter (carefully plot books) or Pantser (write from the seat of my pants): A former pantser, I now depend on my outline to help me meet deadlines.
I like the glass comment, Janet! When is your next book due out?
That was fun. Love "depends what's in the glass"
Im not really sure if you can get a feeling about someone in only 10 mins. Richard from the Amish community of Lebanon county.
Ellery, thanks for asking. "Foul Play at the PTA" is set to be released on July 5. Less than two weeks away. Ahk!
Dru, I like the little kitty in your picture 🙂
Richard, I just attended a conference in which one of the presenters was talking about "emotional intelligence." The presenter said we tend to form a first impression of someone within three seconds of meeting her or him. Three!? I am in serious trouble!
I was a plotter for my first book, A Marked Past (coming in October) but I am finding myself more of a panster for the sequel!
Great to meet you!
I recall foul play in the PTA. ; ) Must pick up this book. It was nice to meet you, Laura.
It was great getting to know you a bit, Laura! 🙂