Happy New Year
- By: Jessica Faust | Date: Jan 04 2010

A new year is always an exciting time. With it we see the prospect of change and the excitement of things to come. Well, 2010 is a big new year for BookEnds with lots of changes, lots of new challenges, and lots of excitement.
After celebrating ten years in business last year, first as a packager and later as a literary agency, my cofounder and partner in literary crime, Jacky Sach, made the decision to leave publishing to embark on a new career and a new path. I know it was not an easy decision for her. She was, and is, proud of her part in BookEnds, has worked in publishing for many years, and of course has grown to really care for the many clients whose careers she has cultivated, but when we started BookEnds we started it as a way for both of us to follow our dreams and live our lives the way we wanted. Since opening shop in 1999, Jacky’s dreams have changed and I encourage her to follow them.
In some ways this has been a bittersweet time for me. I’m thrilled with the way BookEnds has grown and couldn’t feel more pride when I look around my office and see the hundreds of books we have helped reach publication. I’m also thrilled for Jacky. It takes a lot of courage to change your life for a new dream, but it’s something I think everyone should have the ability to do, and of course I’m selfishly sad to be losing her. She’s been a rock through the many changes we’ve made as a company and of course my sounding board and shoulder to lean on. I honestly don’t think I could have built this company without her, and for some time it will be weird not to have her here.
As for BookEnds, we will continue on as always, growing and changing as we follow our own dreams and the dreams of our clients. Kim has told me she’s not going anywhere, and we’ve been able to hire Katelynn Lacopo as our full-time assistant. Most important, though, we are all doing what we love, following our dreams and hopefully helping writers follow theirs.
2010 is going to be filled with change, but it’s change I’m truly excited about. I see it as yet another adventure, and since I’ve always embraced adventure, I can’t wait for the ride.
Oh wow. Congrats to Jacky for having the courage to change her life, and props to you for being so supportive. I wish you both the best in the coming year!
We all need to listen to our hearts and follow our dreams. I think it's great that you are so supportive of Jacky and the new path she has chosen. Like you,I'm looking forward to 2010 and hope that all my dreams (or at least a few of them) come true. Peace be with you and blessings, Buffy
Good luck, Jacky! I just did that last year, and it's so hard and scary and weird, especially when you're leaving something you're good at.
Good luck on your new adventures!
It's always brave to follow your dreams – kudos to Jacky!
Jessica, I know you and Kim will continue to do a wonderful job with Bookends – after all, you're following your dreams also. 🙂
I'm looking forward to a great New Year for all writers and agents! 🙂
It's good to see you back, Jessica! As far as following your dreams? Because of you and BookEnds, I'm following mine. Thank you, and here's to an absolutely marvelous 2010.
It's gonna be a great ride. Happy New Year.
Go Jacky!
It's great to see the blog up and running nice and early this morning (well, early for me anyway).
2010 is going to be GREAT!
Welcome back. I missed everyone. Happy New Year to all, and congrat's Jacky on having the courage to follow your new dream.
Jacky was one of the first agents to offer me encouragement when I first started writing. I'm sad to see her leaving publishing, but I wish her all the best in her new endeavor.
Best of luck Jacky and BookEnds with the new changes in 2010!
Best of luck with this new phase for both Jacky and Bookends!
Jacky is brave to make a life change to follow her dreams. But, I also understand how it must be hard to lose your partner in crime. Best of luck in 2010.
Happy New Year, BookEnds! It's very sad to see Jacky go even though I'm happy for her too. Looking forward to working with Kim this year.
First off, Happy New Year to all of you. Congrats to Jacky for having the courage to follow her dream, and for your support in realising that it's important for her. I wish you all the best as life changes around you.
Change is good – or so I keep telling myself. I wish Jacky all the best on her new journey. Good luck!
Best of luck to Jacky, and continued success to you, Kim, and Katelynn. May your New Year be filled with good health, laughter, happiness, and lots of publishing success!
So, what's Jacky gone on to do? You can't drop a suspense bomb like that and just walk away. I mean really, it says a lot about the state of things. If she walked away to pursue fast food service that's a whole lot different than if she went on to open an art gallery.
Pizza delivery vs.Television Producer
And I'm not insinuating anything about your agency, I'm more interested in the state of the publishing world as a whole, and you can tell a lot by the reasons an agent up and walks away right at the start of 2010. That's all I'm saying.
Best wishes for Jacky and the continued success of BookEnds. Like most writers, I dream of the day I might be able to make a career move. Very frustrating being a left brainer in a right brainer job, and feeling like a "misfit toy".
I'm late discovering this post but want to wish Jacky much luck in her new endeavour. She was the first agent to see my first novel and was very gentle and encouraging in her rejection of something that should never have seen the light of day.
All the best to her and to the rest of you at BookEnds in this new year.
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